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HTTP API Console

The HTTP API Console provides a user-friendly interface to interact with REST API endpoints, allowing for efficient testing and integration of various blockchain functionalities.


  • Interactive Interface: The console offers an intuitive and interactive web interface, making it easier for developers to explore and test different API endpoints.

  • Real-Time Testing: You can execute API calls in real-time, receive immediate responses, and debug on the fly.

  • Comprehensive API Coverage: The console covers all REST API endpoints provided by the Cosmos SDK and Mchain modules, ensuring comprehensive access to blockchain data and functionalities.

  • Documentation and Examples: Each endpoint is documented with details and examples, making it easier to understand and use.

Accessing the HTTP API Console

The HTTP API Console for Mchain is available for the testnet. You can access it using the following link:

Using the Console

  1. Choose an Endpoint: The console lists all available REST API endpoints. Select the one you want to test.

  2. Input Parameters: Provide the necessary data in the designated fields for endpoints requiring input parameters.

  3. Send Request: Click the 'Execute' button to send the request to the blockchain.

  4. View Response: The console will display the API response, including data and any error messages, which can be used for debugging and analysis.

  5. Iterative Testing: Modify parameters and retest as needed to experiment with different API calls and behaviors.