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Interacting with a Node

This guide provides an overview of the key methods and tools to interact with a node, enabling you to perform various operations like querying blockchain data, submitting transactions, and more.

Accessing a Node

There are two primary ways to interact with a node in the Mchain network:

  1. Direct Access: If you're running your Mchain node, you can interact with it directly using the command line interface (CLI) or APIs. Follow the guide on Running a Node on Testnet for initial setup.
  2. Public Nodes: Alternatively, you can connect to public nodes provided by Mchain or other service providers.

Using the Command Line Interface (CLI)

Mchain's command line interface is a powerful tool for direct interaction with your node. Here are some common CLI commands:

  • mchaind status: Displays the current status of the node.
  • mchaind query: Allows querying of blockchain data, like account balances, transaction history, etc.
  • mchaind tx: Enables the creation and broadcasting of transactions.

Interacting through APIs

Mchain nodes expose several APIs that can be used for interaction:

  • RPC API: Used for querying blockchain data and sending transactions. You can access it via HTTP requests.
  • REST API: Provides a more user-friendly way to interact with your node via HTTP requests.

Setting up RPC and REST Endpoints

If you're running your Mchain node:

  1. RPC Endpoint: Configure the rpc.laddr setting in your node's config file to the desired IP and port.
  2. REST Endpoint: Set the api.laddr in the config file to enable REST API access.

Example: Querying Blockchain Data

To query the balance of an account using the CLI:

mchaind query bank balances [account-address] --chain-id [chain-id]

For API access, send an HTTP GET request to the REST endpoint:

GET http://[node-ip]:[rest-port]/bank/balances/[account-address]

Example: Submitting a Transaction

Submit a transaction using the CLI:

mchaind tx send [from-account] [to-account] [amount] --chain-id [chain-id] --from [key-name] --fees [fee]

Via API, send an HTTP POST request with the transaction details:

POST http://[node-ip]:[rest-port]/txs