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Running a Node on Testnet

Running a node on Mchain's testnet is a fundamental step for developers and those aspiring to become validators. You can join the network using two primary methods: through the Mchain Installer or manually setting up the Mchain CLI.

Option 1: Using Mchain Installer

The Mchain Installer is a convenient tool for quickly joining the network. To use it, run:

curl -sL > && python3 --binary_path=/usr/local/bin

This script downloads and configures the necessary components to join the Mchain network.

Option 2: Manual Setup with Mchain CLI

You can manually install and configure the Mchain CLI for a more hands-on approach. This method is recommended for users who prefer greater control over their node setup.

Step 1: Install Mchain Binary from GitHub Release

Download the latest Mchain binary from the GitHub Releases page. Ensure you select the correct version for your operating system.

Once downloaded, you can install the binary to a directory of your choice, commonly /usr/local/bin for ease of use. For instance, if you downloaded mchaind, you can install it using:

sudo mv mchaind /usr/local/bin/

Step 2: Initialize Mchain Node

After installing the binary, initialize your node with:

mchaind init NODE_NAME --chain-id=mchain-testnet-1

Replace NODE_NAME with a name of your choice.

Step 3: Configure the Node

Edit the config.toml file in the .mchain/config directory to set up seeds and persistent peers:

cd $HOME/.mchain/config
nano config.toml

Add seeds and persistent peers as follows:

seeds = "422a7573d2e727a51cdca65dc0bd909e62f0b05f@"
persistent_peers = "422a7573d2e727a51cdca65dc0bd909e62f0b05f@"

Save and exit the editor (Ctrl+O, Enter, Ctrl+X).

Step 4: Set Up Cosmovisor for Seamless Upgrades

Install and configure Cosmovisor to automate node upgrades:

go install
mkdir -p ~/.mchain/cosmovisor/{genesis,upgrades}
mkdir -p ~/.mchain/cosmovisor/genesis/bin
echo "# Setup Cosmovisor" >> ~/.profile
echo "export DAEMON_NAME=mchaind" >> ~/.profile
echo "export DAEMON_HOME=$HOME/.mchain" >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile

Copy the mchaind binary to the Cosmovisor genesis folder:

cp $GOPATH/bin/mchaind ~/.mchain/cosmovisor/genesis/bin

Verify the versions:

cosmovisor version
mchaind version

Reset the node:

mchaind unsafe-reset-all

Step 5: Sync the Chain

Download and install the necessary tools:

sudo apt-get install wget liblz4-tool aria2 -y

Download and extract the chain data:

cd $HOME/.mchain/data/
wget -O - $URL | lz4 -d | tar -xvf -

Step 6: Run the Mchain Service

Create and start a service to run Cosmovisor:

echo "[Unit]
Description=Cosmovisor daemon
Environment variables...
ExecStart=${HOME}/go/bin/cosmovisor run start
" >cosmovisor.service
sudo mv cosmovisor.service /etc/systemd/system/cosmovisor.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart systemd-journald
sudo systemctl start cosmovisor

Check the service status:

sudo systemctl status cosmovisor

For live logs:

journalctl -u cosmovisor -f