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Mchain Bug Bounty Program

In the realm of blockchain and digital assets, security is not just a feature, it's the backbone. At Mchain, we understand this and place immense importance on safeguarding our ecosystem. To strengthen our defenses, we're proud to introduce the Mchain Bug Bounty Program. This program is a call to action for security researchers, ethical hackers, and anyone passionate about digital security to explore our platform, identify potential vulnerabilities, and collaborate with us in fortifying our network.

How to Participate

To participate in the Mchain Bug Bounty Program, follow these steps:

  1. Identify and Document: Discover potential security vulnerabilities in Mchain's systems and document them in detail.
  2. Report Submission: Send your findings to us via email at Include comprehensive details to help our team understand and replicate the issue.
  3. Await Response: Our security team will review your submission and respond promptly.

Scope and Focus

Our bug bounty program primarily focuses on, but is not limited to, the following areas:

  • Custom modules vulnerabilities
  • Security flaws in the Mchain blockchain nodes
  • Vulnerabilities in the Mchain Hub and related applications

Vulnerability Criteria

To qualify for a bounty, reported vulnerabilities should meet the following criteria:

  • Be original and previously unreported
  • Be a significant threat to the network's security, integrity, or privacy
  • Not involve any form of disruption or damage to the network or its users

Responsible Disclosure Policy

We adhere to a strict responsible disclosure policy:

  • Participants must avoid disclosing the vulnerability publicly until it's fully addressed
  • The privacy and data of Mchain's users should be respected at all times
  • No attempt should be made to gain access to another user's data or disrupt the normal operation of the network

Rewards and Recognition

Rewards for reported vulnerabilities will vary depending on the severity and impact of the issue. Each submission will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. High-impact vulnerabilities will attract more significant rewards.

Join the Effort

Your expertise can significantly contribute to the security and reliability of the Mchain ecosystem. Through this Bug Bounty Program, we invite you to be a part of our journey toward creating a more secure, transparent, and robust blockchain platform.

Together, let's build a safer blockchain world.