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Burn Module

The Burn module in Mchain enables the burning of specific tokens, including MARK and any Smart Token with the burning feature activated.

Burn Command

Allows users to burn a specified amount of a given denomination.

mchaind tx burn burn [amount][denom] --from=<key-name> --chain-id=<chain-id> --fees=<fee>


$ mchaind tx burn burn 1000000umark --from=mykey --chain-id=mchain-testnet-1 --fees=50umark

This command will:

  1. Burn 1 MARK.
  2. Execute the transaction from the account linked to mykey.

Query Total Burned by Denom

Fetches the total amount of coins burned for a specific denomination.

mchaind q burn total-burned-by-denom [denom]

Query Burn Address

Retrieves the burn address. Any coins sent to the Burn Address are automatically burned.

mchaind q burn burn-address


The burn module does not have configurable parameters.