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Subdomain Management in Mchain Name Service (MNS)

Subdomain management in MNS allows domain owners to create and manage subdomains under their main name. This functionality facilitates the organization and effective use of names on the Mchain blockchain.

Creating Subdomains

  1. Access Your Account: First, log into your Mchain account where you have your main domain registered.
  2. Select the Domain: In the Mchain Hub, select the domain under which you want to create subdomains.
  3. Create Subdomain: Use the interface to add a subdomain. You will need to provide a name for the subdomain and, optionally, associated data or metadata. Developers can also create subdomains using the mchaind CLI or through the API.

Management and Updates

  • Update Information: You can change the information associated with a subdomain, such as the linked Mchain address or additional metadata.
  • Transfer of Subdomains: Subdomains can be transferred to other users, allowing for a change of ownership.
  • Delete Subdomains: If you no longer need a subdomain, you can remove it from your main domain.

Using Subdomains

  • Custom Identifiers: Subdomains can act as custom identifiers for different purposes or services. For example, pay.yourname.mark could be used to receive payments at a designated address.
  • Facilitate Transactions: Subdomains can be linked to specific Mchain addresses, simplifying transactions.
  • Organization of Digital Assets: Use subdomains to organize and categorize your assets and services on the blockchain.

Tools for Subdomain Management

  • CLI mchaind: Manage subdomains through the command line for a more technical experience.
  • Mchain Hub: The graphical interface of the Mchain Hub offers a simple and accessible way to manage subdomains.
  • Mchain API: Developers can integrate subdomain functionality into their applications using the Mchain API.

Security Considerations

  • Control of the Main Domain: Only the owner of the main domain has the authority to create or modify subdomains.
  • Privacy and Security: Keep your keys and credentials secure to prevent unauthorized access to your subdomains.