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The Referral System in Mchain Name Service

The Mchain Name Service (MNS) includes an innovative referral system that allows users to earn rewards for promoting the adoption of .mark domains. This system offers an attractive way to actively participate in the expansion of MNS and benefit from it.

How Does It Work?

  • Register a Domain: Start by registering your own domain on MNS.
  • Share Your Referral Link: Add ?ref=yourdomain.mark at the end of the Mchain Hub URL. For example:
  • Earn Commissions: Receive commissions for each new registration, renewal, or domain sale made through your referral link.

Commission Percentages

The commission percentages that can be earned are controlled by Mchain's governance. They may vary in the future due to stakers' votes.

These are the starting percentages:

  1. Domain Registration: Earn a 10% commission on the registration cost each time someone registers a domain using your referral link.
  2. Domain Renewal: Earn a 10% commission on the renewal fee of any renewed domain through your link.
  3. Domain Sale: Receive a 10% commission on the fee charged by the blockchain for the sale of any domain made through your referral link.

Benefits of the Referral System

  • Generate Passive Income: A simple and effective way to earn passive income while promoting the utility of MNS.
  • Expand Your Network: Your network and potential earnings grow as more people use your referral link.
  • Contribute to Mchain's Growth: Help expand the Mchain community by incentivizing the use of .mark domains.

Tools and Resources

  • Mchain Hub: Use the Mchain Hub interface to manage your referrals and monitor your earnings.
  • Promotional Material: You have access to various resources and promotional materials to help you share your referral link.

Tips to Maximize Your Earnings

  • Active Promotion: Share your link on social media, blogs, forums, and with your contact network.
  • Explain the Benefits of MNS: Explain what Mchain Name Service is and why it's valuable.
  • Be Creative: Create engaging and educational content to encourage others to use your referral link.

Referrals in Testnet

Having referrals in the Testnet does not imply that the same referrals will be available at the Mainnet launch. Like with MARK and Smart Tokens, Names on the Testnet have no real value.