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MNS Module

The Mchain Name Service plays a role, in the Mchain network by providing an easy to use naming system. This feature acts as a bridge, between addresses and names that are easier for humans to understand greatly improving the overall user experience within the Mchain ecosystem.

Register a New Name

This command allows you to register a new name on the Mchain network.

mchaind tx mns register [name] [years] [data] [set_reverse] [referrer] --from=<key-name> --chain-id=<chain-id> --fees=<fee>


  • name: The name you want to register. Ex. mchain.mark
  • years: The number of years for which you want to register this name.
  • data: Any associated data you want to attach to the name.
  • set_reverse: Boolean value (true or false) indicating whether to set this name as the reverse record for the address.
  • referrer: The address of the referrer.


$ mchaind tx mns register "myname.mark" "2" "{\"github\":\"mchainnetwork\""}" true "referrer.mark" --from=mykey --chain-id=mchain --fees=100token

This command will:

  1. Register the name myname.mark for 2 years.
  2. Attach Github username as additional data.
  3. Set this name as the reverse record for your address if set_reverse is true.
  4. Credit any referral rewards to the name referrer.mark.


  • Make sure the name is not already registered and meets the Mchain naming conventions.
  • --from=<key-name>: Specify the key name of the account you're sending the transaction from.
  • --chain-id=<chain-id>: Specify the chain ID of the Mchain network.
  • --fees=<fee>: Specify the transaction fee.

Transfer a Name

This command is used to transfer the ownership of a name registered to another address.

mchaind tx mns transfer [name] [receiver] --from=<key-name> --chain-id=<chain-id> --fees=<fee>


  • name: The name you want to transfer.
  • receiver: The address of the receiver to whom you want to transfer the name.

Add a Record to a Name

This command allows you to add a new record to an existing name registered.

mchaind tx mns add-record [name] [record] [resolver] [data] --from=<key-name> --chain-id=<chain-id> --fees=<fee>


  • name: The name to which you want to add the record.
  • record: The name of the record you are adding.
  • resolver: The resolver address associated with the record.
  • data: Additional data or information related to the record.


$ mchaind tx mns add-record "myname.mark" "blog" "m1..." "" --from=mykey --chain-id=mchain-testnet-1 --fees=100umark

This command will:

  1. Add a subdomain record blog to the name myname.mark.
  2. Set the data for this record as "My Personal Blog".
  3. The transaction is initiated by the account associated with mykey.

List a Name for Sale

This command enables users to list their registered names for sale on the Mchain marketplace.

mchaind tx mns list [name] [price] --from=<key-name> --chain-id=<chain-id> --fees=<fee>


  • name: The registered name you wish to list for sale.
  • price: The asking price for the name.


$ mchaind tx mns list "myname.mark" "1000000000umark" --from=mykey --chain-id=mchain --fees=50token

This command will:

  1. List the name myname.mark for sale.
  2. Set the sale price at 1000 MARK.
  3. Initiate the transaction from the account linked to mykey.

Delist a Name

This command allows users to remove their listed names from the marketplace.

mchaind tx mns delist [name] --from=<key-name> --chain-id=<chain-id> --fees=<fee>

Bid on a Name

This command is used to place a bid on a name that is listed for sale on the Mchain marketplace.

mchaind tx mns bid [name] [bid] --from=<key-name> --chain-id=<chain-id> --fees=<fee>


  • name: The name you wish to bid on.
  • bid: The amount you are bidding for the name.


$ mchaind tx mns bid "desiredname.mark" "100000000umark" --from=mykey --chain-id=mchain --fees=50token

This command will:

  1. Place a bid of 100 MARK on the name desiredname.mark.
  2. Execute the transaction from the account linked to mykey.

Accept a Bid for a Name

This command is used by the owner of a name to accept a bid made by another user.

mchaind tx mns accept-bid [name] [from] --from=<key-name> --chain-id=<chain-id> --fees=<fee>


  • name: The name for which the bid has been placed.
  • from: The address of the bidder whose offer you are accepting.


$ mchaind tx mns accept-bid "desiredname.mark" "1mbidderaddress..." --from=mykey --chain-id=mchain --fees=50token

This command will:

  1. Accept the bid for desiredname.mark from the address 1mbidderaddress....
  2. Execute the transaction from the account linked to mykey.

Accepting a bid will transfer the ownership of the name to the bidder upon successful transaction. This action is final, and you should confirm the bid details before proceeding.

Cancel a Bid on a Name

This command allows a user to cancel their previously placed bid on a name in the Mchain marketplace.

mchaind tx mns cancel-bid [name] --from=<key-name> --chain-id=<chain-id> --fees=<fee>


  • name: The name on which you have placed a bid and wish to cancel the bid.


$ mchaind tx mns cancel-bid "desiredname.mark" --from=mykey --chain-id=mchain --fees=50token

This command will:

  1. Cancel your bid on the name desiredname.mark.
  2. Execute the transaction from the account linked to mykey.

By canceling a bid, you withdraw your offer to purchase the specified name.

Buy a Listed Name

This command is used to purchase a name that is currently listed for sale in the Mchain marketplace.

mchaind tx mns buy [name] --from=<key-name> --chain-id=<chain-id> --fees=<fee>


  • name: The name you want to purchase from the marketplace.


$ mchaind tx mns buy "desiredname.mark" --from=mykey --chain-id=mchain --fees=100token

This command will:

  1. Purchase the name desiredname.
  2. Execute the transaction from the account linked to mykey.

Purchasing a listed name transfers ownership of that name to your account, provided you meet the listed price and complete the transaction successfully. This action is irreversible once executed.

Update a Name

This command is used to update the data associated with a name you own.

mchaind tx mns update [name] [data] --from=<key-name> --chain-id=<chain-id> --fees=<fee>


  • name: The name you want to update.
  • data: The new data you want to associate with the name.


$ mchaind tx mns update "myname.mark" "{\"new data here\":\"\"}" --from=mykey --chain-id=mchain --fees=100token

This command will:

  1. Update the data of the name myname with "new data here".
  2. Execute the transaction from the account linked to mykey.

Delete a Record

This command allows users to delete a record associated with a name.

mchaind tx mns del-record [name] --from=<key-name> --chain-id=<chain-id> --fees=<fee>


  • name: The name whose associated record you want to delete.


$ mchaind tx mns del-record "blog.myname.mark" --from=mykey --chain-id=mchain --fees=100token

List All Names

Command to list all registered names in the Mchain network.

mchaind query mns list-names


  • This command does not require any arguments.
  • Supports pagination flags to navigate through large datasets.


mchaind query mns list-names --page=1 --limit=20

This will list the first 20 names registered in the network.

Show a Specific Name

Command to display details of a specific registered name.

mchaind query mns show-names [index]


  • index: The unique identifier or name you want to query.


mchaind query mns show-names "alice.mark"

This will show details about the name alice.mark.

Query the Registration Cost of a Name

Command to query the cost of registering a specific name.

mchaind query mns cost [name]


  • name: The name for which you want to know the registration cost.


mchaind query mns cost "newname.mark"

This will display the cost required to register newname.mark in the network.

Listing Owned Names

This command is used to query all names owned by a specific user.


  • list-owned-names [address]: Retrieve a list of names owned by the provided address.
  • [address]: The address of the user whose name ownership you want to query.
  • Supports pagination flags for navigating through potentially large datasets.


mchaind query mns list-owned-names m1xxx... --page=1 --limit=10
  • This command will list the first 10 names owned by the address m1xxx....


  • This command is particularly useful for users to keep track of all the names they have registered under their address in the Mchain network.
  • It provides a quick and efficient way to manage multiple name registrations, especially for users who may have registered numerous names.
  • The addition of pagination flags helps in managing and navigating through large lists of owned names, enhancing user experience in querying their assets.


  • Ensure that the address provided is correctly formatted as per Mchain network standards.
  • The command will return a list of names along with relevant details associated with each name.

List All Domains for Sale

This command retrieves a list of all domains currently listed for sale on the Mchain network.


  • list-forsale: Execute the command without additional parameters to fetch the list.
  • Supports pagination flags for handling large datasets.


mchaind query mns list-forsale --page=1 --limit=5
  • This example fetches the first 5 domains listed for sale.

Show a Specific Domain for Sale

Command: show-forsale

This command provides detailed information about a specific domain that is listed for sale.


  • show-forsale [name]: Provide the name of the domain to fetch its details.
  • [name]: The name of the domain you want to query.


mchaind query mns show-forsale example
  • This example fetches details of the domain named example.


  • These commands are useful for users interested in the domain marketplace, allowing them to browse and retrieve detailed information about domains available for purchase.
  • The pagination feature in the list-forsale command helps manage large lists of domains, enhancing user experience.
  • Ensure the domain name is correctly formatted and exists in the network for the show-forsale command.

List All Bids

This command retrieves a list of all bids currently placed on names within the Mchain network.


  • list-bids: Execute the command without additional parameters to fetch the list.
  • Supports pagination flags for handling large datasets.


mchaind query mns list-bids --page=1 --limit=5
  • This example fetches the first 5 bids placed on names.

Show a Specific Bid

This command provides detailed information about a specific bid.


  • show-bids [index]: Provide the index of the bid to fetch its details.
  • [index]: The unique identifier or index of the bid you want to query.


mchaind query mns show-bids bidIndex123
  • This example fetches details of the bid with the index bidIndex123.


  • The list-bids command is crucial for users who are actively participating in bidding on names, allowing them to track all existing bids.
  • Pagination in the list-bids command helps to manage and view large numbers of bids efficiently.
  • For the show-bids command, ensure the bid index is correctly provided to obtain accurate information. The bid index is a unique identifier for each bid in the system.

Query the Name Associated with a Given Address

This command retrieves the name associated with a specified address in the Mchain network.


  • reverses [address]: Provide the address to fetch its associated name.
  • [address]: The address for which you want to query the associated name.


mchaind query mns reverses m1exampleaddress123
  • This example fetches the name associated with the address m1exampleaddress123.

Query All Reverse Records

This command provides a list of all reverse records, mapping addresses back to their names.


  • list-reverses: Execute the command without additional parameters to fetch the list.
  • Supports pagination flags for handling large datasets.


mchaind query mns list-reverses --page=1 --limit=10
  • This example fetches the first 10 reverse records.


  • The reverses command is crucial for users to verify the name associated with a particular address. This is especially useful in cases where names are used as identity markers or for easy recognition within the network.
  • The list-reverses command is beneficial for users to view the overall mapping of addresses to names, providing a comprehensive view of the reverse records on the network.
  • Pagination in the list-reverses command helps efficiently manage and view large numbers of reverse records.


Here's a summary of the configurable parameters for the Mchain Name Service (MNS) module:

ParameterDescriptionTypeExample Value
base_costDefines the base cost for name registration.Coin{denom: "umark", amount: "50"}
base_expirationDefines the base expiration duration for names.Duration365 days (for a year)
grace_periodDefines the grace period for name registration.Duration30 days
referral_register_rateDefines the referral rate for name registration.Decimal0.05 (5%)
referral_extend_rateCommission for referrals for extending the name registration.Decimal0.03 (3%)
sell_commission_rateCommission ratio charged when selling a domain.Decimal0.1 (10%)
referral_sell_rateRatio of the charged commission allocated to the referral.Decimal0.5 (50%)