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Mchain Explorer

The Mchain Explorer, integrated within the Mchain Hub, is a powerful tool for users to delve into various aspects of the Mchain blockchain. This guide will provide an overview of the functionalities available in the Mchain Explorer.

Testnet URL:

The Explorer allows you to search for transactions and blocks using their respective hashes or height numbers. This feature is essential for tracking specific transactions and understanding block details.

Mchain Statistics

The Explorer displays real-time statistics of the Mchain network, including:

  • Current Block Height: Displays the latest block number.
  • Number of Validators: Shows the total active validators.
  • Total MARK Supply: Indicates the entire supply of MARK tokens.
  • Bonded Tokens: Represents the amount of MARK tokens currently staked.
  • Inflation Rate: Reflects the current rate of token inflation.
  • Community Pool Amount: Shows the total funds in the community pool.

Recent Blocks and Transactions

Get insights into recent activities on the Mchain network, including the latest blocks created, validators responsible for them, and recent transactions with details like transaction hash, message type, height, and time of execution.

Holders Page

The Holders page lists all Mchain accounts ordered by their MARK balance. It provides a comprehensive view of the distribution of MARK tokens across the network. Users can also see the total amount of MARK burned and have the option to burn MARK tokens.

Parameters Page

The Parameters page is a crucial tool for users, especially those involved in governance. It provides real-time access to the current configurations of the Mchain blockchain, including:

  • Chain ID and Block Height: Offers a snapshot of the blockchain's current state.
  • Bonded and Total Supply Ratio: Indicates the level of network security.
  • Inflation Rate: Shows the current inflation rate impacting token economics.
  • Module-Specific Settings: Displays settings for Mint, Staking, Smart Token, Mchain Name Service (MNS), and other modules. These include parameters like mint denom, inflation rates, staking requirements, and fees.

Understanding these parameters is essential for users who participate in governance, as it allows them to make informed decisions and propose changes that are in line with the network's operational realities and community objectives.