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Mchain Docs Contributor Guidelines

Welcome to the Mchain Docs community! Your interest in improving our documentation is greatly appreciated. Here's a quick guide on how you can effectively contribute.


To ensure consistency and quality in our documentation:

  1. Getting Started: Familiarize yourself before contributing.
  2. Ways to Contribute: Understand different methods to offer your expertise.
  3. Contribution Ideas: Gain clarity on what contributions can be most impactful.

Getting Started

Before diving in:

  • Identify issues by going to the Issues section and providing comprehensive details.
  • Seek technical help or clarifications on the designated platform if needed.
  • If you're planning to contribute to the repository directly, your contribution might include the following:
    • Correcting spelling or grammar.
    • Refining code formatting.
    • Fixing broken links.

All contributions should be made via a pull request. Each pull request should address a single topic or fix.

If you're unfamiliar with GitHub or creating pull requests, several beginner guides are available on GitHub to assist you.

Ways to Contribute

The master repository contains the core documentation for the portal, primarily aimed at Mchain developers.

Small Fixes

For minor adjustments, such as text edits:

  1. Click "Edit this page".
  2. Make corrections directly on GitHub.
  3. Briefly describe your changes in the commit message and commit.
  4. Choose "Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request".

Branching and Pull Requests

For significant updates:

  1. Visit the mchain-docs public repository.
  2. Fork or clone the repository locally.
  3. Create a new branch using a command similar to:
    git switch -c your-initials/branch-name

Follow subsequent steps akin to the provided example to finalize your updates. Then, initiate a pull request for review.

Contribution Ideas

Valuable contributions often come in detailed guides or tutorials to support other developers.

If you're contemplating a contribution, here's a distinction between a "detailed guide" and a "tutorial":

Detailed Guides

These provide clear instructions to reach specific goals. They emphasize essential steps and exclude unrelated information.


Tutorials are comprehensive, step-by-step lessons for readers new to the subject. They guide the reader from start to finish on a specific task.

Your insights will significantly enhance Mchain Docs. We look forward to your input. Celebrate every successful contribution! 🚀